Topographic survey
Topographic survey service
- Set up GPS servey control and pass landmarks
- Horizontal control servey
- Horizontal control servey: Secondary control servey following Government coordinate systerm
- Establishing base height grid following Government height systerm.
- Prepare topographic survey reports
- Prepare construction survey acceptance documents
- Hand over topographic survey report
- Set of competency certificates (5 types)
Sequence of topographic survey process
The national horizontal control points are collected as control points to establish the grade IV horizontal network. Network establishing method: relative positioning of GPS technology.
-Grade IV horizontal control point: 2 points
The grade IV horizontal control points are collected as control points to establish the class 2 horizontal network. Network establishing method: relative positioning of GPS technology
-Class 2 horizontal control point
– Elevation control point: grade IV control point, signed GPS-1 and GPS-2 is constructed by Phuong Anh Company. Its status is good and available for using
To establish the technical vertical control network, we use the national control points, signed GPS-1 and GPS-2 as original control points
We carried out technical levelling from grade IV vertical control point, numbered GPS-1 and to point DC-1 and DC-2 by using Topcon auto level.
Measuring and drawing detailed topographic map at scale 1/500
Measure the current status of the project location
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